Dear Eleanor, How do you go about grieving the future I could’ve had if I wasn’t disabled?

Dear Grieving,

I think the first step for me around difficult topics is always honesty. Honestly it’s so painful. Honestly I’m torn apart with jealously. Honestly if I wasn’t disabled I’d be such a different person that I’d take all my abilities for granted.

So what is this future that we missed out on? I get a little esoteric with these ones because that’s my world view. From a very real perspective you have missed out on nothing. You have your life and you’re living on hard mode and that’s sorta just it. Like. There is no “alternate timeline” where you’re not disabled, and if there is, does it really matter? Because you’re rooted firmly in the dirt of here, now. Alternate timeline you is alternate timeline you. This timeline you is this timeline you.

To keep reading, checkout the full post on my Substack newsletter, where I write under the pen name “Lithium”.